Digital Signage Software

The Eight Pillars of Scala

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Scala ConferenceTeatro alla Scala in Milan is one of Europe’s famous venues for performing dramatic opera. The International Scala Conference, a digital signage lovefest, brought some theatre of its own to its annual conference in Netherlands.

In front of 300 attendees from 45 countries, Scala wasted no time in playing out its biggest scene: CEO Gerard Bucas will retire and Tom Nix becomes the man in charge of digital signage’s largest software platform.

That change at Scala’s helm caught many offguard and probably overshadowed the real drama, the real opera that is playing out in the digital signage market where Scala is a major actor.

The “theatre playbill” that outlines this drama is a slide from their Scala presentation at the conference: the Eight Pillars of Scala strategy. Where goes Scala, there goes the industry…which is what makes these eight “pillars.”


ClearOne Enters Digital Signage

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IMPRESSClearOne introduces IMPRESS, the company's first digital signage solution, based on Windows software components. Designed for use with ClearOne's IP-based VIEW AV distribution and control system, IMPRESS will broadcast messaging with HD content to a nearly limitless number of displays. IMPRESS allows remote access and control from PCs, popular tablets and mobile platforms such as Android, Apple and BlackBerry devices.

We don't have any phoros yet, but IMPRESS is one among several new ClearOne products to be shown for the first time at InfoComm.


Signagelive Adds Multiple Foreign Language Support

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HarrodsRemote Media Group’s new signagelive software tools let digital signage network operators work in the language of their choice (and across any browser or most popular OS) and introduces powerful new content development and playback tools.

Digital signage network operators are no longer restricted to running software developed only in the English language. Using language packs: Signagelive users can choose their native language -- Spanish, for example -- in the web browser settings and then have the content management system delivered in the selected native tongue.

The spring 2011 release upgrades Signagelive’s Layout Creator to a fully functional Layout Designer, including image layering, sizing, alignment and other design tools usually reserved for standalone software applications. The Layout Designer also includes template layouts, a library of background images, and enhancements for handling and presenting fonts and RSS feeds.

In addition, a number of social media functions have been integrated including a new QR code widget and feeds from Twitter, Foursquare and Facebook.

Go Signagelive

Exhibio Launches Enterprise Solution

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Exhibio releases their Enterprise System, a large-scale digital signage platform designed for easy deployment of digital signage into business and college campuses, retail chains and franchise locations.

The system is powered by the Enterprise Server, which runs , integrated software with a web-based interface where users can design signs and schedule content on screens anywhere in the world. One Enterprise Server combined with remote smart terminals can produce hundreds of digital signs, each showing unique content or sharing content with other screens on the system.

The signs can carry the same content as Exhibio’s all-in-one X-800HD Digital Signage Engine: HTML, RSS feeds, live TV, video, audio, images, text, Flash, and more.

Exhibio’s other product lines, the X and M-Series, push a single stream of content to connected displays.

Go Exhibio Goes Enterprise

Mitsubishi Play-Out End-to-End Signage Platform

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 Mitsubishi Play-Out

Mitsubishi Electric shows the latest version of its digital signage system, Play-Out,  a complete end-to-end dignage system that "creates a bridge between traditional print-based out-of-home advertising and the new electronic world."

Daniel Quitzau of Mitsubishi Electric Sweden, one of team behind the new product, comments, "Much of the focus among signage display manufacturers to date has been on either software or the display hardware. Our approach has been somewhat different. Instead of starting from the viewpoint of a hardware provider, we looked at the market from the perspective of the existing participants and developed our solution from there."

"What was needed was a solution that encompassed everything, and would give those involved in the industry the confidence to take ownership of the digital delivery channel all the way from inception to deployment. Some of that is hardware; some software. The crucial point is that it is an end-to-end solution, not a series of unknowns joined together."

Go Mitsubishi Electric's Play-Out platform