The Future, According to Corning

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Gorilla Glass maker Corning takes a look at the crystal sphere and tries to predict the future, presenting a vision of a future where virtually everything has some form of touch-based display.

Titled A Day Made of Glass 2, the video follows a family in a Corning-dominated future utopia where transparent touchscreens are everywhere-- taking over not only mobile device buttons, but also home windows, automobile dashboards and interactive whiteboards.

Corning presented an 80" Gorilla Glass display at CES 2012.

Possibly even more interesting is a second video on Corning's predictions, explaining what the company is actually working on to bring such a vision to reality.

Watch "A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision"

Watch "A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked" with a narrator narrator for details on these Corning technologies