The Digital Media Iceberg

"A successful digital media solution accounts for more than what you can see on the surface," says Convergent"It’s what we consider the "The Digital Media Iceberg..."

Convergent Digital MediacebergSolutions are getting more complex, not less. Convergent argues all the attention is given "to things like content and bezel-less screens" which leads users into making mistakes with their enterprise networks and the infrastrure that drives effective digital signage, the modern digital signage that encompasses so much more digital media than the "signage" of even 5 years ago.

Ballantyne Strong Inc. company, for 35 years they’ve been working with clients to transform the customer experience and enhance the communication across employee channels. Convergent want to challenge customers to think differently about how to engage with their customers and employees-- and the technology they use to do it.

With the addition of new technology (just take, for example, mobile and Big Data and iBeacons), digital "signage" just doesn't encompass what can be achieved

Convergent describe the industry as a Digital Media Iceberg with three key tiers:

  1. The Really Sexy Stuff
  2. The Pretty Cool Stuff
  3. The Geeky Stuff...(that if you don't think about your project will fail)

You'll have to download the free white paper to see their full infographic, but an iceberg may be the perfect metaphor to illustrate the different aspects that makeup today's state-of-the-art complete digital signage solution.

And if your client and their "ship-of-state" ignore this iceberg, the mistake will only be... titanic.

Go The Digital Media Iceberg