MicroTiles for Bulgaria On Air TV Studio


New television station Bulgaria On Air commissions a major Christie MicroTiles installation at its renovated facility near Sofia Airport.

This first use of MicroTiles in Bulgaria will help deliver business and financial information to local audiences and international investors. Advising on business opportunities in Bulgaria, their own business development strategy depends upon generating leads from their TV audience.

Five separate stages will host the different shows.The feature backdrop is a curved display, measuring 5.71 x 2.45 meters and containing 112 MicroTiles. In addition there are two displays with 30 MicroTiles each (2.45 x 1.53 meters), one display with 18 Micro Tiles (measuring 2.45 x 0.92 meters) and an angled display formed by 2 x 30 MicroTiles each (2.45 x 1.53 meters). All are built into the TV design set and all screens are connected to HDSDI video switcher via HDSDI/HDMI converters.

The integration was carried out by UVT SC Computer, broadcast and professional system integrators and distributor, after they presented MicroTiles to the customer along with configuration suggestions and a technical proposal.

UTV Director of Sales, Alexander Kitanov says, “The original intention of the customer was to use plasma screens on all sets, but after a detailed presentation and explanation of the technical and operational benefits of MicroTiles he was convinced by the benefits of this technology. Thanks to the close cooperation with Christie we were able to match their target price and to win the project.”

He says the client was particularly impressed with the narrow gaps between the screens. “This was very important for their big curved screen. The uniformity of the colour reproduction and automatic operation were also very highly regarded but in all respects, against the other competing technologies, MicroTiles gave a stronger performance: colour reproduction and consistency across screen, image stability, maintenance, ease of set up and infinite resolution.”

Part of the evaluation process during the installation and set-up also included camera tests, performed in different light conditions to assess colour temperatures of the screens.

These MicroTiles sets can look forward to daily usage since all live shows and station news will use the displays, which feature both live and recorded content generated by the graphics department of Bulgaria On Air.

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