More Screens, More Impact in Rotterdam

CS Digital Media and OpgeLED

In Netherlands, CS Digital Media and OpgeLED sign a cooperation with their digital screen networks that will transform the Rotterdam market for digital signage.

CS Digital Media works with digital signage inside the public transportation system of Rotterdam and OpgeLED operates large LED screens in high traffic locations in Rotterdam.

With the thought that both sides should complement each other, the two companies have signed an cooperation agreement. The combination of the public transport network and the outdoor LED screens creates a unique digital proposition for the digital signage advertisers.

In the Rotterdam region, you have a net media reach of more than 7 million a week. By offering one-stop shop for digital signage advertising, the two companies optimize the efficiency of the client’s use of digital media campaigns.

The joint offering of these networks in the market will be replicated in other parts of the Netherlands. The Amsterdam region already started in April.

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