Men And Women Look At Naked Women Differently

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Tracking resultsAre there gender specific differences in the way we look at visual content? Eyetrack Shop finally answers quantitatively the question of how men and women might view digital signage messages in different manners.

There were smaller differences than you might expect but check it out for yourself.

We will tell you one fact from the study: by studying one Reebok ad that showed a mostly naked woman wearing only shoes...well, women spent most of their time staring at the shoes and you probably think you know what the men zero'd in on....

Wrong! Men went straight to the face and spent 40% more time there than women did...carefully studying the face before moving on...

Which proves unequivocally this much: men aren’t interested much in shoes. So the money you spend on shoes, girls, is to impress your friends not the sweetheart.

And the money your customers spend on digital signage displays now may be impressive but it’s the eye-tracking software that will catch the looks in the future.

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